Annual General Meeting 27th June 2021 at 16.30

Dear GCSC members

Please be advised of the upcoming Annual General Meeting (AGM) for Gloucester City Swimming Club. This year due to the current situation we will be holding the AGM virtually using the Microsoft teams platform. The date for this year’s AGM is 27th June 2021 from 16.30.

​The AGM will include elections for Directors and Committee roles for 2021/2022. Nominations are invited for all Director and Committee roles. See the Our Team page for information on these roles.

Our Team

The AGM is a great time for us as a club to look back over the past year, but also look forward to the coming period, and discuss any queries or questions from yourselves the membership. As you know, this club only runs because of the volunteer support from its membership, and the key club executive, committee and support positions are no different. Several of these positions have been staffed by the same individuals for several years and this year they will not be re-standing. We are desperately seeking some new faces to support us in these roles and a full handover will be given so you are fully supported. Please make every effort to attend and support the club!

All votes this year will be emailed votes. Please ensure all completed nomination forms are emailed to no later than 6.00pm on 13th June 2021

Also, if you do have any questions, or any topics you would like to raise and be included in the AGM, please also email the secretary at the above with those, also by the 13th June. Updated details and descriptions of the roles will be made available over the next week.

​All members are welcome and we encourage you to download the teams software and familiarise yourself with its workings. An email invite will be sent nearer the date for you to use to access the AGM.

We hope you will be able to join us and help support the club.

Claire Dewick

GCSC secretary