Our first priority as a Swimming Club is to the safety of our swimmers, our wider membership and the general public. We have implemented measures within our swimming and land training that adhere to government guidance, as well as Swim England guidance for a safe and orderly return to training and competitive swimming.

Our COVID guidelines are explained in more detail below.

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COVID Procedures

Ensure you understand the current government guidance around group activity.  Be aware that guidance can change quickly and more restrictive rules may be applied in future.

  1. If you display any of the COVID-19 symptoms, however mild, we request that you do not attend training and should follow the current government guidance on testing and isolating. If you receive a positive test result, please contact the club COVID-19 Lead on
  2. Swimmers should follow GL1 guidance for entering and exiting the building, including the wearing of face coverings.
  3. An activity risk assessment has been completed with specific Covid-19 issues detailed.
  4. Coaches will have registers and accident report forms with them.
  5. Parents and swimmers should ensure they understand the procedure for injuries and accidents that may occur – please see below.
  1. GL1 Leisure is used by the public, we must be aware of and acknowledge that this space is being used by other members of the public.
  2. Swimmers and coaches are encouraged to use hand sanitiser before and after training.
  1. Parents of children in Year 6 or below are expected stay on site in case of an emergency.
  2. Parents of children in Year 7 and above must remain within a short distance of the leisure centre in case of an emergency, or their child becoming unwell.
  1. All coaches have completed appropriate first aid in line with their current, in date water rescue test.
  2. All coaches will have a first aid kit for the session. This kit will also include appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE). PPE will only be worn by coaches when dealing with an injury if appropriate, following current government guidance.

GL1 and Gloucester City Swimming Club are following Swim England and Government guidelines and the Club has also been liaising with Swim England South West to ensure that correct procedures are in place.